Qualitative Focus Groups to deliver an enhanced taste experience
A potato products company had developed a coated fries offering as part of a new range where the product should deliver an enhanced taste experience as an alternative to regular fries. The product was designed to be sold in casual dining outlets e.g pubs. The challenge was to determine if the new idea for the fries was understood, relevant and desirable.
Prototype qual using focus groups to explore key questions:
> Who is this product for?
> Expected venues to buy from?
> Product expectations – from the concept & imagery?
> How well do prototypes fit concept/ expectations?
The concept was viewed as exciting, following on from the ‘dirty chips’ trend, appealing to young consumers of ‘Foodies’.
A clear understanding of what makes a ‘good’ and ‘enhanced’ chip experience was identified – with attributes defined.
Consumers’ attitudes & behaviours towards coated fries was understood – the type of meals consumers would eat these fries with, the flavour intensity that worked best when eaten on their own vs with a meal.
A recommendation was made to be even more adventurous with the flavour choices, to better exploit consumers concept expectations.