

Company information: SAM Sensory and Consumer Research is comprised of:

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Tax number / Numéro de SIRET : 492 379 128 00019

Code NAF : 7120B

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Phone : +33 1 48 24 61 00

Legal representative / Représentant Légal :
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Registered Office / Immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Société :
R.C.S de Nantes

Registration Number / Numéro d‘immatriculation : 833 189 335
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Tax number / Numéro de SIRET : 833 189 335 00015

Code NAF : 7120B

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Legal representatives/Representant légal :
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Registered Office/Immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés :
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Registration Number / Numéro d’immatriculation: 424715
IF/Identifiant fiscal: 33628447

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Legal Representative/Representante Legal:
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Registered Office / Registro Mercantil de Barcelona

VAT No./ número IVA : ESB66137175
Tax number / NIF: B66137175

Registered Swiss office (and Swiss billing address)

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Phone / Telefon: + 41(0)44 439 70 40

Legal representative / Vertretungsberechtigter:
Thomas Alex, Geschäftsführer

Registered Office / Registriert:
Commercial Register Zürich (Handelsregister)

Registration Number: CHE-322.334.238
VAT No./MWSt.: CHE-322.334.238

Registered UK office (and UK billing address)

Sensory Dimensions Limited
Unit 5 Cutbush Industrial Park, Danehill, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 4UT

Phone: +44 (0)118 207 5960

Legal Representative:
Tracey Sanderson, Managing Director

Registered in England
VAT No.: GB887127683
Company Registration number: 04429884


Product Perceptions Limited
Unit B1
Windsor Place, Faraday Road
Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9TF

Phone: +44 (0)1293 558955

Legal Representative:
Yvonne Taylor, Managing Director

Registered in England
VAT No.: GB 644501752
Company Registration number:  03019472

Responsible for contents:

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Photo credits


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Case Studies
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SAM Creative Hub
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Sustainability in Consumer Research
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Bayesian Networks
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SAM consultancy solutions for sensory excellence
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Context Matters in Consumer Research!
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Code bias

Implicit Measures for Consumer Research


NPD and the Sensory Experience

SAM’s commitment to sustainability

SAM-Sensory Dimensions: The 8 BIG Benefits of working with us!
@Pixel-Shot / ID Nº 241528431stock.adobe.com

Innovate and co-create with SAM Creative Hub – March 2023
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Unboxing sustainable in-home product testing – March 2023
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Having to make ingredient changes?
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What makes a true implicit test?
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New Approaches to Sensory & Consumer Research
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Meet the team at Pangborn 2023
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Pangborn Gold sponsors
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Sustainability and Consumer Research
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Discover what really drives product success!
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Climate change: A brewing issue
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Connecting with the generation of tomorrow
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ESN Fall Meeting
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Get more from your exisiting data
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SAM speaking Sense!
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Cultivate a creative, inspirational environment with Concept HotHouse
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Celebrating International Women's Day

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Enhancing our Innovation

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Harnessing AI

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Latest research publication

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Enhancing consumer understanding

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Evoloving SAM Innovations 

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