Boosting product development using a holistic approach
Our client wanted a collaborative and holistic approach to bring an innovative new nasal spray product to market. Working with SAM we determined qualitative and quantitative declarative measures, combined with neuroscientific subconscious measures, to provide a full understanding across the product innovation journey.
Consumers tested both the prototype and the current product. During testing, issues were identified with the prototype packs which impacted Overall Liking scores.
The optimised prototype was re-tested amongst both users and non-user groups. For this re-test, the study scope was expanded to include qualitative depth interviews as well as neuroscientific measures which involved respondents being connected to biometric devices (Facial EMG, GSR, Heart Rate) and calibrated with Eye Tracking Glasses.
In the quantitative re-test the adjusted prototype was considered unique compared to other products on the market. Responses showed that the prototype pack was more associated with modern, unique, pleasant, elegant and innovative than the current pack.
The neuro-measures demonstrated that the prototype provoked more stimulation at all stages of interaction.
To refine the new product’s positioning another qualitative stage was used to identify perceived product attributes and benefits. Non-users reacted more positively to the prototype than to the current product suggesting that the prototype could draw them into the category.
This approach resulted in a deeper understanding of the perception, performance, and acceptability of the product, leading to disruption of category expectations and stimulation of category growth.
SAM’s approach, which included both rational and subconscious feedback, optimised the product design process and the resulting product model. Research recommendations provided clear direction for product positioning and communication.